that ONE child...

We have all known that one child…

Yes, that one that you are thinking of.

What are you going to do? 

You may be feeling a bit at a loose end, knowing you are the child’s go to, but feeling out of resources that are able to help.

How are you meant to get through to this child? 

So many questions, so instead of saying what you are already thinking let me show you something you haven’t thought of…

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the extra idea you need...

Try these first!

… and I need help!

Shoot me a message. I created ASD Books on the backend of finding out this is what I needed as a child growing up, I can offer insights into your client’s perspectives and hesitations around the goals you are trying to achieve. 

Two heads are better than one, so feel free to reach out and ask!

Contact us through our website to discuss your needs and how we can help.

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Copyright 2021 by Emma Fisher, owner of ASD Books. All rights reserved.

Glory to God! No part of ASD Books resources or website is to be reproduced. Cover designs and illustrations by Mark MacKay. Publisher ASD Books

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At ASD Books, our mission is to provide individuals on the autism spectrum, their families, and professionals with the information and resources they need to better understand and support their children and students on the spectrum. We are committed to providing quality resources for these families.