My New School


Focus: Encouragement when moving or starting a new school

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Starting a new school sparks nerves for many, especially those who rely on routines staying steady. Using encouraging language and cheerful scenes, this story illuminates unfamiliar details to ease worries for transfer students. Classrooms, new friends, teachers, and playgrounds come alive matching descriptions to images so kids’ imaginations preview places and new faces soon so their minds are prepared for change. Most comforting, it underscores all schools are filled with potential friends ready to guide fresh faces. By walking through this transition visually before the first bell rings, children can approach heading to a new school with heads held higher.

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Glory to God!

Copyright © 2021 by Emma Fisher, owner of  ASD Books. All rights reserved.


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Cover designs and illustrations by Mark MacKay. Interior design and illustrations by Mark MacKay.

Publisher: ASD Books