Holiday Visual Calendar


MANAGE: Meltdowns & Anxiety around the school holiday break

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Holiday downtime brings cherished family bonding but can also overwhelm young minds. This customizable visual calendar scaffolds scheduling so children know what beloved activity comes next. Following a clear “first, next, last” structure, each day’s square flips open to reveal special plans from baking cookies to seeing relatives using engaging graphics, completely customizable by you or your child by drawing, cutting, and pasting pictures, etc. You can laminate it for durability, the holiday calendar is ideal for pattern-based thinkers who benefit from orderly sequencing. By detailing anticipated events between school breaks ahead of time, it aims to ease uncertainty, curb restlessness, and allow families to wholly enjoy time together.

ASD Books

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Copyright 2021 by Emma Fisher, owner of ASD Books. All rights reserved.

Glory to God! No part of ASD Books resources or website is to be reproduced. Cover designs and illustrations by Mark MacKay. Publisher ASD Books
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