I just need some help!

You’re trying your best but don’t understand their deep needs…?


You’ve tried many things but none of them stick?


You are looking for another person in the know just to bounce ideas off? 


Look at the drop down below!

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Look below to find what best might suit your needs…

Down below is a contact form. Please fill it in with details that you think are important such as:






Behaviour Concerns:


Emotional Concerns: 


What results you would like to see:


Your thoughts: 


Any other information you think is relevant:




Ok so this will vary on a range of factors such as:

  • Your relationship with the person
  • Your level of authority with them
  • The environment
  • Factors leading up to the meltdown / avoiding a meltdown.




If there is something else not covered, please fill the form in below and reach out. I am here to help!


Reach Out

We’re here to help with any questions or support.

The Mission

At ASD Books, our mission is to provide individuals on the autism spectrum, their families, and professionals with the information and resources they need to better understand and support their children and students on the spectrum. We are committed to providing accurate and reliable resources and building a supportive community around these families.

ASD Books

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Need Help?

Reach out on info@asdbooks.com


or jump over to facebook and contact me there!

Glory to God!

Copyright © 2021 by Emma Fisher, owner of  ASD Books. All rights reserved.


No part of the books or the website owned and published by ASD Books may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.
Cover designs and illustrations by Mark MacKay. Interior design and illustrations by Mark MacKay.

Publisher: ASD Books